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Dayspring Cancer Clinic

I believe that I am completely healed


I believe that I am completely healed

Hello Dr Dickens,

I wanted to let you know that I believe that I am completely healed and I believe that it is from indirectly & directly from Jesus Christ, and I believe that you were so instrumental and bringing me closer to the word, even though I had never attended any of your Bible studies, which I would've loved to attend.. and I believe I could've avoided all of, these last 9years, but I truly wanted you to have my update..I still have my moments of a little struggle as far as staying in the word, but I am listening to Mike Hoesch, who I think would be so instrumental in yourClinic. you are truly a godsend.

Your approach is so amazing. I love the fact that you allow the body to self heal. I always appreciate that from the very beginning. That is the only reason why I went to you... because I was told that you were in the word!

I am now expecting my body to respond to my belief, which is God has already healed me and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, my spirit, my soul that you have liberated me from my wrong beliefs re: healing,

Thank you again, I will surely fly over to Arizona office one day soon to say hello!

With all my love and respect to you and your staff .🙏❤️🙏

P.S I have mentioned your name to many people I hope they have followed through.🙏

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