Individualized vs Personalized Medicine
Simply put, individualized medicine is specific to just one person, an individual. This is different from personalized medicine which is applied to a group, say all males between 50 and 70 years old.
The following are Wikipedia differences between Individualized vs Personalized Medicine. Simply put, individualized medicine is specific to just one person, an individual. This is different from personalized medicine which is applied to a group, say all males between 50 and 70 years old.
“Individualized medicine tailors treatment to a single patient. The term refers to an individual, truly personalized medicine that strives to treat each patient on the basis of his own individual biology.
Individualized medicine represents a further individualization of personalized medicine. While the latter is aimed at a specific group of patients, individualized medicine deals with the individual circumstances of a single person. Thus, individualized medicine goes one step further and can be considered as an increase in personalized medicine.
Individualized medicine seeks to derive tailored therapies for individuals by taking into account a person's genes as well as the full range of that person's unique nature, including biological, physiological and anatomical information.”
“Personalized medicine, also referred to as precision medicine, is a medical model that separates people into different groups…”